
Theme Song For My Pet Contact

Here at Theme Song For My Pet if you let me know as much as you can about your pet or animal when you contact me, then the more fun your song will end up being. You can contact me, Andy at or if you wish to chat over on Facebook then that’s fine too.

Include things like:

  • Animal type
  • Official name
  • Funny other names you refer to them as
  • Breed
  • Features
  • Colour of fur / skin
  • Fur type (Soft / course)
  • Eye colour
  • Quirks (always the most fun thing to write about)
  • Things they enjoy doing
  • Their favourite toy
  • Things they don’t enjoy (Baths, being brushed etc)
  • Naughty things they get up to (Again lots of fun to write about)
  • Anything else you think I should know about them

Also it’s always a good idea to send me a few picture of your pet too so I can get a good idea of what they look like. Here at Theme Song For My Pet I’ve been writing catchy theme tunes for a very long time and would love to write one about your best friend too. Find out more about me and why I started this songs writing business.