Song For My Pet

Song For My Pet

As a musician of 30 + years I will produce a song about your beloved pet or animal. All you need to do is get in contact with me and tell me a little about your pet and I’ll take care of the rest. Here are some tunes I’ve written for Song For My Pet. There are many more on the Previous Songs page.

The Good Dog With The Bad Breath & The Bad Dog With The Good Breath

Two dogs, one’s a Schnoodle, one’s a Cavapoo. One’s a good boy but with dreadful breath, the others a naughty girl but with nice breath. But which is the smarter dog?


And its accompanying video



Silver The Pirate Cat

Here’s a song I wrote about a cat who had to have his leg amputated upon returning home after being lost for a few days. This maine coon rag doll cross kitty was always know as Long John Silver anyway, so his owner commissioned me to write a song about him now he really is a Pirate Cat.


And here is the accompanying video.


When Ralph Went Missing

Ralph went missing one day while walking with his owner over Pipe Hall Farm in Burntwood. When he’d returned safely I wrote this song about him. Fun fact: Ralph is the reason I started up this business. Read more about it.


And here is the accompanying video too.



Teegy Weegy

A song about a West Highland Terrier for little kids called Tegan and what she loves getting up to every day of the week.


And here is the accompanying video too.

Burrito Burrito Little Parkacito

A song about a Cavapoo / Cavoodle called Parka and his daft quirks such as having to check the coast is clear at night before going to bed, fishing for stones and other silly things. There’s a little bit of Spanish in this song and Portuguese too.



And here is the accompanying video too.